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Why Millennials should buy a Home

I know that it must seem overwhelming to buy a home. I am going to give you some good reasons that you need to jump on the train and purchase a home. First, I want to say that this doesn’t have to be your “forever” home. You can buy a starter home or townhouse to start building equity.

If you continue to rent you are just putting money into your landlords pocket and won’t have anything to show for it. If you purchase a small starter home or townhouse you will build equity that you can use later when you want to upgrade to a larger home. The equity that you build could be used for your down payment to get you to the next level. You could also choose to use this starter home as a rental investment. The opportunites are endless when you purchase a home.

Don’t be scared of homeownership. After all it is the American Dream for a reason. You are able to buy a home and make it a cool spot that feels like home to you. No more landlords telling you what you can and can not do. This will be yours! If you can afford to pay rent then you can afford to pay a mortgage.

Find a local real estate agent who can help you get the process started. A real estate agent can refer you to a lender that will take a look at your credit and determine the price of a home you can afford. Most lenders can take an application over the phone or online and give you an answer the same day.

Once the lender gives you an idea of the price range to stay within it’s time to start looking. You and your real estate agent can narrow down your list of wants and needs. You are now on your way to homeownership!



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