What Credit Score Do You Really Need To Buy a House? When you’re thinking about buying a home, your credit score is one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle.
The Great Wealth Transfer: A New Era of Opportunity In recent years, there’s been a significant shift in how wealth is distributed among generations.
Is Affordability Starting To Improve? Over the past couple of years, a lot of people have had a hard time buying a home.
Are There More Homes for Sale Where You Live? One of the biggest bright spots in today’s housing market is how much the supply of homes for sale has grown since the beginning of this year.
Home Inspections For Sellers: How To Prepare If you’re thinking about selling your house, it’s important to know what the home inspection is and what inspectors look for.
Where Will You Go After You Sell? If you’re planning to sell your house and move, you probably know there’s been a shortage of options available.
Mortgage Rates Down a Full Percent from Recent High Mortgage rates have been one of the hottest topics in the housing market lately because of their impact on affordability.
Helpful Negotiation Tactics for Today’s Housing Market If you haven’t already heard, homebuyers are regaining some negotiating power in today’s market.
3 Reasons Why We’re Not Headed for a Housing Crash Back in 2008, there was an oversupply of homes for sale.