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The Ultimate Truth about Housing Affordability

There have been many headlines decrying an “affordability crisis” in the residential real estate market. While it is true that buying a home is less affordable than it had been over the last ten years, we need to understand why and what that means. On a monthly basis, the National Association of Realtors (NAR), produces […]

Multigenerational Homes Are on the Rise

As loved ones start to get older, we start to wonder: how long will they be able to live alone? Will they need someone there to help them with daily life? There’s a reason to ask those questions now more than ever, as the average life expectancy in the U.S. is 78 years old!  As […]

What a Real Estate Agent can’t tell you…

As a Real Estate Agent we are held to a certain standard of professionalism. It is our job to try and help our clients to the fullest. However, our hands are tied when it comes to certain things. I have been asked so many times about schools and demographics as a Real Estate Agent. I understand […]

Top 5 Reasons you must have professional photography when selling a house

1) First impressions are EVERYTHING! In today’s market most people search the internet first to find homes that they would like to view in person. I can tell you that professional photography makes all the difference to buyers searching the internet. If you do not have professional photos taken your house probably won’t make the list. […]

Top 5 Things to AVOID before buying a HOME!

1) Do NOT apply for new credit. If you apply for new credit it can lower your credit score. When buying a home you want your credit scores to stay as high as possible to get the best possible interest rates. 2) Do NOT increase your debts. If you make a purchase using credit it can change your debt to […]

Are you scared to Buy a Home?

I have heard from some people that they are actually scared to buy a home for one reason or another. I want to ease your fears by explaining why it is not as scary as you think. I have heard people say that they do not think they can qualify for a home loan. But how […]

Why Millennials should buy a Home

I know that it must seem overwhelming to buy a home. I am going to give you some good reasons that you need to jump on the train and purchase a home. First, I want to say that this doesn’t have to be your “forever” home. You can buy a starter home or townhouse to start building equity. […]